Girl Talk - Empowering Girls @ School
Girl Talk Empowerment Program
A program of self-discovery for girls Interactive Journaling and you The Girl Talk Journal is designed to help you explore the special qualities, experiences and strengths that make you who you are. Your open and honest response will allow you to personalise the information provided and use it to guide you toward a healthier lifestyle. Don’t worry about neatness, handwriting or spelling. It is the honesty of your statements that will make the difference. Feel free to use any white space or margins to complete your thoughts. What you will learn… This Girl Talk Empowerment Program will provide you with an opportunity to: • Explore the unique traits and strengths that make you who you are. • Express your thoughts, feelings, ideas and your voice is a safe space with friends. • Explore relationships and identify ways you may wish to strengthen them. • Learn strategies for taking good care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. • Practice strategies for dealing with stress, expressing anger, making good decisions, protecting your body and avoiding problems with alcohol and other drugs. • Practice strategies for staying calm and grounded in the face of difficult situations. • Access the support of other girls and women around you. • Celebrate you! This is a program that celebrates you. Girl Talk is the way we share ourselves with those around us. Our voices tell the story of our life experiences, hopes, feelings and beliefs. This is the place for you to share your voice. Sharing your voice is a gift to yourself and to others. About the Girl Talk Journal This Journal was created to help you navigate this journey of self-discovery. As you find your voice or hear the voices of other girls in the group. This Journal is a place to write your personal thoughts and reflections. Writing in a Journal can have many benefits. Sometimes writing things down feels easier than saying them out loud. It can feel good to let things out that we’ve been holding inside. Writing is also a powerful way to make our experiences and vices clearer and stronger. Girl Talk Empowerment is a program about taking a journey of self-discovery – a journey on which you and a group of other girls will share your dreams, your struggles and your stories. Staying connected to who you are – your true self – can be challenging in a world that does not always support girls. Together, you and the girls in your group will learn to trust and support one another. As you embrace your true selves, you will find your voices and your inner strengths and will understand the importance of your connection to the world around you. Through the group, you will be empowered to grow, change, face challenges, celebrate strengths and share your voices, loud and strong. As you begin this journey, you might feel alone and different from the other girls. Along the way, you may encounter feelings and experiences that are both exciting and difficult. It can be comforting, even surprising, to realise that the joys and pain that you experience are similar to those of other girls in your group. It may even be a new experience to find that you are not alone. Finding support from those you trust and respect is an important part of feeling connected. As you explore important issues and learn new ways to cope and better ways to make decisions, you will experience a greater sense of power and inner strength. Participating in a group that is using this program will give you an opportunity to be heard and to share your thoughts and feelings. You will be supported and encouraged to use your voice freely. If you are using this journal independently, you will find that the journal gives you a private space to explore many things: who you are today, where you’ve come from, what you’d like to change and where you’re going. Enjoy the journey. Buy the USB Order Form (Cut and paste in an email to [email protected] Please supply a copy of the Girl Talk (Girls SHED) Empowerment Program on USB $159 I also wish to receive a copy of ___ 2020 Boys SHED At-risk Boys Program USB $159 No GST payable ___ Boys SHED Resilience & Wellbeing $159 No GST payable ___ Staffroom Wellness Wall $159 No GST payable ___ Pathways to School Office Wellbeing $159 No GST payable Name Contact email School Postal address Postcode Order number NSW Vendor ID 100387105 Michael AUDEN ABN 39 929 256 117 NSW Suppliers number 100387105 Qld Supplier number S20039316 15 Dewbay Court Claremont Tasmania 7011 Email: [email protected] Web: |
Section One - Self Part of finding our voice as girls and women is getting to know ourselves. This means connecting with our true selves – the core of who we are. Who am I? Feeling Okay Looking back at my life’s journey Sharing your journey Tree of self-esteem Esteemable acts Me: Inside and out Got power? I can make a difference Girls will be girls Making my mark Support and inspiration Section Two – Connecting with others Connecting through communication Good communication involves both listening and sharing I hear you I want to tell you something Am I playing it safe? I like your style My family Family maps Healthy families Mum and me Dear Mum… Having good friends I am someone my friends can count on What’s in a name Getting the facts Shades of sexuality Sexual bill of rights Healthy connections A map of my relationships Abusive relationships The power and control wheel Section C – Healthy Living My body image Food, fuel and feelings How do I feel? Emotional wellness 5 steps to emotional wellness Expressing feelings Containing versus stuffing Anger and me Weighing it out No thanks Understanding addiction Coping with stress Spirituality and me Journey ahead Crossroads My crossroads Making good decisions for me Hopes and dreams My path Sisterhood and support Samples