Workplace Training and Development for School Office Staff
A workshop for School Business Managers
Workplace Training and Development for School Office Staff Using the School Office Wellness Program to develop the resilience and wellness competencies of your staff. The School Office Wellness Program has been popular with Australian schools for over five years. It has been reviewed and updated with new modules and a collection of inspiring and informative Wellness Cards and Empowerment Cards. When you ask your staff to attend a meeting or complete a task, do they snap into action, or do their eyes seem to glaze over the moment you make a request? Motivated and engaged office staff enjoy their work and create an infectious and happy atmosphere. When employees feel motivated to participate in the workplace, productivity rises and absenteeism falls. Their enthusiasm has a big impact on everyone in your school. The School Office Wellness Program has four component training programs. #1 Wellness at School – 30+ training modules and a large reference library #2 Resilience Training for School Office Staff – 19 training modules plus reflection cards.. #3 Happy and Appreciated at School – the Appreciated and Happy at School workshop #4 the Women at School Empowerment Program The Workplace Training and Development for School Office Staff Workshop involves a two-hour review of the four component training programs in the School Office Wellness Program. You will review these programs and learn how to design personalised training for your staff to gain:
Registration Form Please register me to attend the Workplace Training and Development for School Office Staff Workshop Name School Order number Postal address Postcode Send to [email protected] More information at Monash Education & Training 1 Wedge Court Glen Waverley Victoria 3150 |