Term Three - Staff Development Workshop Tour
Resilience Training Program
The benefits of Resilience Training
For organisations, the benefits of equipping your employees with resilience capability are significant and wide ranging. They include:
Engaging Boys
Boys need boundaries
Boys need limits and boundaries to make them feel secure and to allow for healthy development. Limits and boundaries are the simple ground rules that exist within families to teach children how to behave and how to be safe and social. Teachers who endeavour to shift from the win-lose familiarity of rules to the win-win prospects of boundaries report a significant decrease in conflicts and power struggles in their classes, and far greater success in reaching kids previously deemed difficult, unmotivated or, in some instances, even dangerous, than with any strategy previously attempted. MORE INFORMATION.... |
National Workshop Tour - August
Women Teaching Boys
Women Teaching Boys is a training program for women who teach boys. It introduces women to many ideas that will help them in their primary or high school classrooms.
This 2 hour workshop will offer female teachers an insight into ways that boys think and behave and how teachers can balance their teaching and relationship styles to assist boys perform and behave in the classroom. The program is very comprehensive and includes a large compendium of support and reference materials from one of Australia's leading gender education consultants, Michael Auden. MORE INFORMATION |
Victorian Workshops - Term Two 2016
Community Engagement & Enrolment Strategies
Create answers to some of the important communication and family engagement questions facing every school.
School Camera Craft
Photography offers an opportunity to make a powerful first impression. In a glance, an image can create a compelling connection and begin to tell the story of the school brand. Each image is a snapshot of who you are – bold, bright, powerful and active. By maintaining high standards and carefully choosing photography that matches the school brand, you’ll continue to stand out above the rest.