The importance of teachers
Why do teachers matter .... to education?
All education stakeholders should demonstrate the value of teachers and take steps to ensure that the wider society develops a more positive and supportive attitude towards teacher.
Teachers are central actors in education, facilitators of learning, bringers of knowledge, brokers of relationships. Despite the critical contribution of teachers to education, there is a tendency to bypass teachers in decision-making and to neglect their needs. Teachers' performance in contributing to learning is strongly influenced by teacher motivation. Teachers want to be enable to perform well, which influences their motivation. Teacher motivation is a critically ignored factor in education management.
Teachers are central actors in education, facilitators of learning, bringers of knowledge, brokers of relationships. Despite the critical contribution of teachers to education, there is a tendency to bypass teachers in decision-making and to neglect their needs. Teachers' performance in contributing to learning is strongly influenced by teacher motivation. Teachers want to be enable to perform well, which influences their motivation. Teacher motivation is a critically ignored factor in education management.
What is the relationship between teacher motivation and performance?
What is the current level of teacher motivation in your school?
What are the critical factors influencing teacher motivation?
What is the current level of teacher motivation in your school?
What are the critical factors influencing teacher motivation?
School leadership is crucial in establishing support systems that secure professional commitment from teachers.
Bring the What Makes Teachers Tick? Workshop to your school
The workshop can be tailored to suit your particular requirements. Some schools focus on well-being strategies, while other schools focus on school culture. All schools include basic modules of self-care and relationship building.
Two hours of teacher reflection, collegial discussion, personal mindfulness and team bonding. This workshop uses games and high-level interactive activities to engage teachers in effective ways to change their vulnerability to stress. Workshop fee - $1500 includes comprehensive teacher engagement and well-being resources. To enquire about available dates contact Michael Auden at [email protected] |
This workshop is perfect for an after school professional development session. Two hours of interaction, discussion, exploration and reflection that will impact on:
What Makes Teachers Tick? Workshop tour
The program is suited to School Wellness Coordinators and outlines an approach for conducting stress awareness and wellbeing sessions with teachers back in their schools.
10am start 12 noon finish
$195 per participant
10am start 12 noon finish
$195 per participant
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"Nowhere else (but in schools) are large groups of individuals packed so closely together for so many hours, yet expected to perform at peak efficiency on difficult learning tasks and to interact harmoniously"