What makes your school tick?
Professional development for school leaders, teachers & support staff
School review questionnaire
A comprehensive school review survey for school leaders and teachers. |
Collegial staff teams
This module helps teachers bond around common concerns and build loyalty and support for each other. |
Teacher Motivation
What makes teachers tick? Teacher stress - Its causes, symptoms and some remedies |
Teaching teachers to be resilient
Help your teaching staff explore resilience characteristics, strengths and coping strategies |
School ambassadors and champions
Teachers can play a pivotal role in driving your school reputation. This modules helps teachers identify ways that they can step up for greater responsibility in your school. |
Reflective and inclusive school leadership
The Principal Matters module uses self-evaluation as a useful process that can be rigorous and enables you to be critically reflective about yourself as a professional and your practice. |
School culture
Explore the cultural aspects that build loyalty and support from your teaching team |
What’s great about our school?
This set of reflective cards helps leaders, staff and parents identify those characteristics that make your school stand out. |
Happy & engaged school teams
Happiness is an attitude that creates a productive and engaging environment in your school. |
Happy and Resilient School Office Teams
This module has been undertaken by hundreds of staff in workshops. It is the basis of one of Australia’s most popular professional development programs. |
Empowered girls
This empowering module helps girls to make positive and affirming choices. |
Resilient boys
Boys often fall prey to poor choices based on fear or peer group pressure. This module will assist boys to stand independently with strength and confidence. |
Order this whole-school professional development packageOrder the What Makes Your School Tick? Program CD $129
Email the following details to [email protected] [email protected] Name School Order number Postal address Postcode Download the Does Your School Tick? Game
For 2-3 players. Use a dice to see who gets to answer or respond to a question/statement. Three times around the board should throw up some interesting points to reflect upon.
Positive School Workplace Programs