Good Days and Bad Days @ School
Imagine your staff fully engaged in conversation and laughter as they play a game of Good Days & Bad Days @ School. Good Days & Bad Days is just one of over one hundred games and activities your staff and students can
participate in to engage with mental health and wellbeing.
participate in to engage with mental health and wellbeing.
Download Good Days and Bad Days @ School board game
Mental Health Games & Activities for Teachers & Students
Interactive learning games and reflective activities are great vehicles for promoting mental health in students and teachers. The end of the school year and the beginning of the next school year are opportune times to build
resilience, confidence and enabling empowerment within your school community.
The contents of the program includes the following resources: (All files are printable as pdfs or jpeg)
You can download a sample of the resources which represent a tiny portion of what comes on the USB memory stick. Visit Fundamental Health at and follow the Samples Link just down from the top of the page
resilience, confidence and enabling empowerment within your school community.
The contents of the program includes the following resources: (All files are printable as pdfs or jpeg)
You can download a sample of the resources which represent a tiny portion of what comes on the USB memory stick. Visit Fundamental Health at and follow the Samples Link just down from the top of the page
Order Mental Health Games & Activities for Teachers & Students USB
Cut and paste the information below and email to [email protected]
NSW public schools should send their order to EDConnect and
quote supplier number 100387105
Contact person
Order number
Postal address
Contact email
___ Please supply the Mental Health Games & Activities for Teachers & Students USB @$159
No GST payable.
Fundamental Health
Michael Auden
ABN 39 929 256 117
NSW Vendor ID 100387105
Qld Supplier number S20039316
PO Box 288 RYE Vic 3941
Email i[email protected]
Cut and paste the information below and email to [email protected]
NSW public schools should send their order to EDConnect and
quote supplier number 100387105
Contact person
Order number
Postal address
Contact email
___ Please supply the Mental Health Games & Activities for Teachers & Students USB @$159
No GST payable.
Fundamental Health
Michael Auden
ABN 39 929 256 117
NSW Vendor ID 100387105
Qld Supplier number S20039316
PO Box 288 RYE Vic 3941
Email i[email protected]