Start of Term Review Program

Questions and reflections for school teachers and leaders.
Self-evaluation should be a useful process that is rigorous and enables you to be critically reflective about yourself as a professional and your practice.
Teacher Self-reflection
The handbook is provided for teachers who wish to engage in a process of self-reflection as either part of a formative evaluation process or as a voluntary professional activity.
Reflective practice is an inquiry-oriented process during which a teacher engages in a cycle of thought and subsequent action on professional experience.
Research indicates that structured reflection on practice promotes professional learning.
Self-evaluation should be a useful process that is rigorous and enables you to be critically reflective about yourself as a professional and your practice.
Teacher Self-reflection
The handbook is provided for teachers who wish to engage in a process of self-reflection as either part of a formative evaluation process or as a voluntary professional activity.
Reflective practice is an inquiry-oriented process during which a teacher engages in a cycle of thought and subsequent action on professional experience.
Research indicates that structured reflection on practice promotes professional learning.
Reflective Teaching
The teacher self-reflection process can begin with a series of global questions:
The centrepiece of the End of Term Review Program is a comprehensive questionnaire that encourages teachers to explore every aspect of the teaching. It is supported by a collection of illustrated reflection cards that help teachers to explore their teaching practice and their underlying beliefs and feelings about their teaching vocation. Michael Auden has created a suite of tools that teachers and school leaders can use to review the first term of the 2017 school year.
The End of Term Review Program is a perfect resource to use at the beginning of a new school term. It will assist teachers to highlight their strengths and clarify the processes that help them deliver a quality education to students. The supportive reflection card sets are ideal for taking home over the vacation break to review at leisure and start the process of rekindling their enthusiasm and energy for the term ahead. Order FormLicence
Single user licence $79 Up to ten users licence $99 Whole school licence $129 Order the Start of Term Review Program CD
Email the following details to [email protected] Name School Order number Postal address Postcode [email protected] MONED Monash Education & Training ABN 39 929 256 117 1 Wedge Court, Glen Waverley, Vic 3150 |
Your End of Term Review Program CD includes:
Questions and reflections for school teachers and leaders questionnaire (45 pages) Session One - Personal Qualities Session Two – Planning for Learning
Reflection cards sets Principal matters - over 150 reflection cards for principals to examine their school leadership and relationships Teacher conversations - over 100 reflection cards for teachers to explore Teacher Engagement & Well-being - 147 cards and guidance on reflecting on your teaching and lifestyle choices |