Set safe, guiding boundaries for boys
Break down barriers to a girl's success
Boundaries and Barriers is a new training program for Australian teachers
This program of self-training modules and reflective resources helps teachers set safe, guiding boundaries for boys and break down limiting barriers for girls. It is suited to both primary and secondary schools.
Setting safe, guiding barriers for boys
Boys can bring a high level of aggression and restless energy to your classroom. It is essential for boys to learn within safe boundaries and to build resilience skills to overcome the frustration they feel with school life.
The training modules in this section of Boundaries and Barriers includes the following modules:
Ordering Details
Please send a copy of Boundaries & Barriers CD @ $99 to Name School Order number Postal address Postcode Send to [email protected] |
Breaking down barriers to girls' success at school
As girls move from primary to high school many lose confidence, suffer diminished self-esteem and are awed by the choices they need to make. Building confidence and resilience in girls will help them thrive during the years of upper primary and secondary education.
The training modules in this section of Boundaries and Barriers includes the following training modules:
Ordering Details
Please send a copy of Boundaries & Barriers CD @ $99 to Name School Order number Postal address Postcode Send to [email protected] |
Bring this empowering workshop to your school
You can bring this interactive and enlightening 2-hour workshop to your school.
Boundaries and Barriers is presented by leading gender education consultant, Michael Auden. This workshop will give teachers strategies and ideas to implement changes that will assist boys to be guided towards healthy boundaries. Teachers will have strategies to help girls overcome the barriers they face to achieving personal growth and academic success at school. To enquire about suitable dates and tailoring a program to suit your particular needs email Michael Auden at [email protected] |